Social Wellbeing gives students a chance to learn and develop social skills and the skills for forming friendships. Students learn from and advise each other, using examples from their own experience.
What a typical session looks like
In Social Wellbeing, we start by setting our Ground rules for how we will respect eachother in the session. We then check-in with eachother, giving each student time to speak and explore how they are feeling today. We then have a comfort break with a stretch and glass of water.
We then move onto the Topic of the session. Using visual prompts and questions, the group discusses topics such as going to your GP and making new friends, with support from PiP Development Workers to explore what the topic means for them. To embed learning, we discuss different aspects of the same topic over 3-4 weeks.
The difference we make
Students become more comfortable identifying and discussing a wide range of emotions.
Students learn from and advise each other and improve their listening and speaking skills.
Students learn about, gain confidence and pride in and therefore celebrate their diversity.
Social Wellbeing increases students’ understanding of safeguarding and self-advocacy, helping them to speak up for themselves, make informed choices and become more independent.
Student success stories
One topic that is close to everyone’s hearts is living arrangements. We’ve been discussing this in order to build student’s understanding of independent living and build their confidence in understanding their rights around this. We introduced the topic by everyone sharing their own living arrangements and acknowledging how this was different for everyone. In the following weeks, we built on the topic by discussing what makes a good or bad home – and how different things are important to each of us. The final week we explored wishes for the future such as living independently, having your own room or doing more around the house for yourself.
This gave the students inspiration for what possibilities there are for their futures and how independent living is different for everyone.
It also gave the group the opportunity to discuss what their rights are about their wellbeing at home and to explore speaking up in the home.
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