PiP is a registered charity (Charity Number 1088592) and company (Registered Company number 04107226)
Our trustees make sure we comply with charity law and are well managed. Trustees are volunteers who donate their time and expertise to causes they care about to make a difference.
You can find out more about our governance at the Charity Commission website here.
Meet our Trustees
Micah Gold
Chair of Trustees
Micah is the Founder and Director of Mobilise Public, who aim to reshape the relationship between citizens and their public services.
Dan Wakerley
Dan runs his own tech company, Pillar, and rowed across the Atlantic to raise over £20,000 for PiP!
Jan Chowdhury
Jan is a Chartered Accountant, trained at Deloitte, bringing significant financial experience to PiP’s governance.
Judy Wilcox
Judy brings much education and voluntary sector experience to PiP as well as being a key advocate for and part of the local community.
Kate Clarke
Kate brings educational and lived experience to PiP
Leanne Williams
Leanne provide technology and business analysis skills to PiP from her role at our partner British Land
Mark Barrie
Mark works at Oliver Wyman helping businesses to improve. He brings lots of skills to PiP such as managing risk.
Patrick Brown
Patrick leads on People & Organisational Development NHS NW London ICB. He brings experience of delivering Transformational Cultural Change
Terri Cash
Terri is an outreach, engagement, and community specialist, and a qualified youth worker.
Theresa Ekendu
Theresa is a Director of People at the Royal Trinity Hospice and brings this expertise to PiP
Tilly Lang
Tilly brings legal, governance and data protection skills to PiP.
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