When the virus was first announced, and we went into lockdown it was upsetting as it happened so fast. PiP then sent out a letter to say that they would be closing too.
This meant that the drama show would be postponed and some other events like the London Marathon. Thanks to technology, many events can be done online. Right now, many charities are doing activities on social media to raise money.

For me being stuck at home during this pandemic is hard especially as my sister had to come back home from Leicester University, which meant going back to sharing a bedroom. My café job has stopped for now but that has been good in some ways because it has given me more time and the opportunity to work on some projects that I had been putting aside for a while.
Things I miss most about PiP is the students and visitors, which gives me the chance to lead tours of the building and explain about PiP and my role as Student Rep.
Many fundraising events have been postponed like our annual drama show and the London Landmarks Half Marathon, which I was really excited about as I haven’t been to this event before! I was upset that the drama show was cancelled as I had booked the day off work. I had also invited some friends that I had not seen for ages and family.
The online sessions for me are not the same as being at PiP where we use worksheets and can take part in practical tasks. I like being on my feet twenty-four-seven! I do like meeting volunteers though so I enjoyed meeting new people from Adobe at a special session we had online.