PiP calls out for votes to get a share of Tesco’s Community Grants fund
PiP are bidding for a cash boost from the Tesco Community Grants initiative. Tesco works with community charity Groundwork to run its community funding scheme, which sees grants of up to £1,500, £1,000 and £500 awarded to local community projects.
Three groups in every community have been shortlisted to receive the cash award and shoppers are being invited to head along to Tesco stores to vote for who they think should take away the top grant.
PiP is one of the groups on the shortlist and we are fundraising for our employment and vocational training projects including Petit Miracles, our fab partner who train our students in woodwork and upcycling.
Voting is open in all Tesco stores in April, May and June and customers will cast their vote using a token given to them at the check-out each time they shop.
Claire De Silva, Head of Community at Tesco, said: “Tesco Community Grants help support local good causes but especially those projects supporting young people, those providing food, and local causes close to our colleagues’ hearts.”
Please vote for PiP at your local store!